Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well, at least the day we left Ramadi will be easy to remember (although it freaks me out a bit). We're on our way home, we're going home. I'm trying to get us all on the same flight to Logan but its still up in the air. The group that left on the 3rd is already at the Demob site in America and I think it only takes about 3 days to clear that place. 6-12 days till you see us again folks. Can't wait!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 01, 2006

From Today

Last looks

Some of the boys. Internet is supposed to be shut off today so I am trying to get some last minute stuff on here. We are almost gone. There are alot of troops here and things have quieted down as the enemy thinks about their current situation. It will be interesting to track events from home instead of living it.

Ther will be a lull in the site soon as we travel, but I hope to have a grand finale just before we get home with a "best of" gallery of each soldier. Stay tuned. KT

Parting Shots