Thursday, March 23, 2006

Pulitzer Prize

Says it all doesn't it? Sales sending a message home. Posted by Picasa

Thanks David

My brother sent me the flag you see here. It is the largest American Flag on the post. I just wanted to show him how it looks and thank him in a public forum. Thanks bro. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Lucky Sevens

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The Chad and his new best friends

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Combat Scarf

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Posted by Picasa Raid at a gas station. Tried to get them to chant "Go Red Sox". No dice.


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Big Joe

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

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Baby You Can Drive My Car

Yes I'm gonna be a star...
Sunday drive anyone? This car was captured along with their occupants who we later found out were a good catch. V&W presiding. I'm sure we all wish we could drive around with our M-4's back home too. Posted by Picasa