Tuesday, June 14, 2005

South Gate High Rocks!!

South Gate High Rocks! These letters were written by students of my brother, David "Rush Freak" Thompson. I just finished reading all 58 of them. They are well received and appreciated. Some questions asked were:
1. Do I like Rush too? Yep, but not as much as SALSA!!! Que Pasa Amigos?
2. How's the training? It was crappy in Mississippi, but cool in Cali. We even had simulated mortar rounds impacting in our area and had to analyze the craters to find out where the rounds came from.
3. How does it feel to be in the Army? Well, I didn't think I would be able to go 20 years without being deployed. I was right. I have always felt a sense of duty for my country, and for the soldiers in my charge. So, although I am nervous heading into harms way, I am proud to serve and will do my best.
4. Will I Visit South Gate? If time and money allow... At the very least I will answer your questions and return emails.
5. Would I recommend joining the military? absolutely. In fact I think it should be mandatory for everyone for two years. It straightened my ass out. They are also increasing signing bonuses as high as $40,000 for a six year term. Not bad considering this conflict is winding down (in my opinion). At the very least you learn discipline, respect for fellow soldiers (no matter the color or religion or race etc), and gain friends for LIFE. Plus you can have college paid for by the government and make some money along the way. Not bad. Of course there is an associated risk that is too much for some to accept. Somebody has to do it and if all of you can't handle it you may eventually be forced to via the draft. Hope not though. Hmmmm. Well, you asked!
Also, thank you for your prayers. I am not religious but many of my boys are. I only have one Hispanic soldier (Puerto Rico) that I am responsible for but there are many others I work with. They will earn your pride. I saw a recurring theme in your letters about us giving our lives for our country. We intend to use Gen. Patton's advice. It is not our goal to give our lives for our country, Its to make the enemy give thier lives for thiers. Hopfully no one has to shoot or be shot at.

Stay safe in your own battles and work on peace right ther in L.A.

Catherine S.: You're right, Rock, Paper, Scissors never gets old.
Mayra D.: Stop giving Mr. Thompson tomatoe face :)
A.Franco: Thanks for the prayers bud.
J.C. #99: Marines are crazy. Stick with Army National Guard and do it part time while getting paid to go to school. Good Luck man.

Thanks all. Keep writing. SFC Kevin Thompson

Monday, June 13, 2005

I love you, no, I love you.

Gus and Willoughby sharing quiet time. NTC was a breeze. We learned alot more than we were getting at Shelby. Traing was good for the most part and our Instructors were top notch. Are we 100% trained up and ready? Hell no, but we are better off than we were 2 months ago. I've had to make some positional changes that some aren't happy with but thems the breaks. Spirits are still upbeat and we are driving on. Isn't it a pisser that we are headed back on fathers day? Will be leaving the country on the 23rd. I think we are all still in denile and it won't sink in until our feet hit the sand again. If I haven't posted a photo of someone you want to see, let me know and I will. I'm not keeping track. KT


"its Leger!" pronounced Le-jere. Don't say legger or else

You Pick a Caption

Ummmmmmm.... Best caption wins an MRE of your choice. Feel free to post.

Tents and Happy Folk

More tents

Tent City, NTC

Tent City, NTC

Ninja Fight

Ninja fight! Gary, Kurt, and Ron. Gary was our resident Ninja. The entire tent would call out "Ninja Fight" to include other units. Gary met his match later this night when Texas sent thier finest Sumo to take him down...


This is where we slept at NTC. Food really sucked. You know it sucked when you prefer to eat MRE's 3 times a day.


Sammy at NTC. That's the 1-172AR BN tanks behind us; the unit we are attached to.

Slap Happy

The one and only time the guys were allowed to take thier shots. Power got me good with a closed fist to the right shoulder. Never been hit that hard. OUCH. Little bastards


You know, I thought Gary was a quiet kid. Nay. Gary is loud and constantly seeks attention and man-love. Here he is causing the sun to rise...


Haji and the Guatamalan! Just kidding Ramon.

New Bedford Boys @ NTC

These are my professional sleepers. The New Bedford boys. This is a rare occasion as Boucher has his eyes open for a change. This ones for you Sherry!

Battallion Fire Support NCO's

Our currently supported unit. These are the BN FSNCO's.

Vinnie Sighted

Vinnie at NTC


The French Quarter, New Orleans. Dee and I had a great time thanks to my buddy Pablo. He put us up (and put up with us) for four days and gave us the grand tour. Its been a long time since I drank until the sun came up. I thought Bourbon st. was nasty, but the rest of the quarter was great. Guess I'm getting older...

Friday, June 10, 2005

Phase 2 Complete

No pics today, just an update. We are finished with NTC in Cali, and are home for 10 days. D and I are visiting a friend in New Orleans for a few days before heading home Sunday. Traning in Cali was great! Pics on Sunday or Monday. KT out.