Friday, December 30, 2005


Kurt in Tammim (Ramadi). This was taken awhile ago, but its still relavent. You wouldn't want to step in that liquid in the gutter. Smelly place. Posted by Picasa

Dirka dirka

Ummmmm... Posted by Picasa

Another View

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IED that hit Dex, Ramon, Luis, and Ug last month. Everone walked away. No worries. Posted by Picasa


Ron at the Tiki bar at Halloween. Two MVR guys with him Posted by Picasa

Dex and his Replacement

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Proud Father

Here's Joel and Madeline! Congradulations Amy and Joel! Suprized you can hold her like that with the bum shoulder and all. (kidding of course) Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 26, 2005

Sam's New Freind

This guy is way too freindly. He is a Lt. for the ISF who are taking over for us (we hope) someday. There were no negligent dishcharges this day so things have improved with them a bit. This was our Christmas eve/day mission. Cavender planned and executed a 51 person mission that went very well. The kid is amazing. With all the stress in his life he produces like no other. Be proud Cav Sr., and Cetrano Sr. too. Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 19, 2005


Well, I guess I can say I've done it all now. Teaching Iraqi forces crater analysis. Can I get a "Go Team" on three? No? You sure? Cause, cause I'm ready, you know..., ready, for, for, the "go team" No? Maybe another time yeah? Maybe you're hungry, need to go eat somethig, yeah? No "go team" today, hmm? (Read that again like stewie) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Take one for the Team...

Guess who? Got an auto graph for my dad. No I do not smile. Ever. Posted by Picasa

Under Pressure

This is what a pressure switch IED looks like. There are 2 wires that touch when you run over it, functioning the device. Haji even hand painted it to look like the road. This was my welcome back present from Haji as I returned to the FOB. We got so close to it the gunner could no longer see it from his position atop the Hummer. There were 2 170mm artillery rounds connected to it. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 10, 2005

How Bout Some Holly for Christmas?

This is my fat bastard from PA. Good guy. He found true love while on leave although we all know she's a he. He won't admit it though. We caught him eating his mattress last night...FF. He works with JD and Patrick. Posted by Picasa

Chad and Chris

Well leave was great. I saw Chris at TQ so I know he is home by now. The flight was long. The flight into Iraq was eventful as the plane took evasive action and set off flares. I had no idea what kind of sounds and visuals flares made so when I heard "BANG, BANG, BANG....BANG, BANG, and saw orange flaming richochets out the windows I thought we were taking fire. The on the ride to the base I was in the lead vehicle and nearly ran over a pressure switch IED. Four feet from setting it off. WELCOME BACK TO IRAQ! This place really blows; er, sucks. Gus has pissed some people off (imagine that), Kurt is all better and back to work, Mat's baby weighs 10 pounds and his wife is fine too, Cavender is working way too much, Chambers has the shits or something and according to his peers is quite crazy (I know better), Patapumba has lost weight (Sammy found it though), Teddy has a giant bleeding zit in his eye, The boss gets less mail now, Dex is overworked, Ramon is headed home for Christmas, Luis I never see, Sales I see even less, Ron is sleeping I think, Ryan is a vampire complete with pale skin, Q is Q ( I think he got a haircut to please me on my return, although I know he hates to cut it. Good kid.) Kelly is a grumpy bastard but so am I, he's home now, and finally, James D. is.

Well thats it for now. Couldn't really keep this up while at home. Will collect recent pics and get them up soon. KT Out. Posted by Picasa