Sunday, April 23, 2006

And Now For Something Completely Different...

How many of you are old enough to know where the tag line comes from? MP is the only clue I'll give. Craig at Lesco: What a great and unexpected package that was! All the papers from opening day, Boston Sports Review, Cracker Jacks, peanuts, Sox tshirt, Sox scratch cards (won $5), Man did it make me feel normal again. Thanks bud.

I've been thinking about the transition from soldier to civilian over the last few days. Will it be difficult? Not for me. I am so sick of who I am here I can't wait to be me again. Some of our boys will have trouble though. Folks back home should talk to the Family Readiness Groups so they are prepared for and can identify some of the bullshit they are in store for when we get back. I will start planting seeds here so they are thinking about the transition too. Realize that many of them have seen and done shit that is not normal back home. Try to understand and prepare yourselves for weird moods and "left field" crap. It will pass.

We are almost home! Soon, soon, soon. Our replcements have representatives here preparing for the handoff. I think between our final push and the doubled forces taking our place the bad guys are screwed. If Haji is reading this: You are finished. you should leave before you can't or prepare to meet your maker. You have lost. Power has noticed your recent boldness and is happy you are visible for a change. Eat lead.

I can't wait to watch baseball again, bloodless rivalries. (I wouldn't mind seeing ARod bleed just a little). Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats up k.t. good to read your comming home soon.

5:03 PM  
Blogger Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

Who or what is "Haji"?

Being a professional psychotherapist, I can foresee a couple of issues for returning soldiers: One, having been in combat and readjusting to civilian life, but also, the simple fact that they've been living in a foreign country, which is an experience that unfortunately few Americans have. I lived overseas as a child and when I returned, U.S. culture seemed weirdly superficial and isolated from the rest of the world...

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin - an easy question for someone who grew up on a steady diet of English comedy - Monty Python!
Looking forward to seeing you back in Beantown.
Best wishes,

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth- Haji is one who has completed the Haj, the pilgramage to Mecca, generally it is a term of respect. It is commonly used in a derogitory manner when refering to the Anti Iraqi Forces, ie the a$$holes that planting IEDs and such.

Kev- glad to hear your are coming back soon, it should be getting warmer now there again about now; glad I dont have to put up with that sh@t again. Say hi to Gus and all the others for me

9:17 PM  

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